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July 21, 2005



Well, to look on the bright side: They DID print it. That's more than I would have expected. I suspect they have that disclaimer there in order to avoid lawsuits from narrow-minded morons with nothing better to do.

Ginja Ninja

It is a damn good quote.
Being one that has access to a fair trade coffee shop, I spend the time waiting for the superheated cup to cool reading about where my coffee came from.


Regardless, IT IS STARBUCKS opinion for allowing it printed on their cups. The little asterisk is just Starbucks playing lawyer ball. Good for them.

They don't have a "The Way I See It.. #44" I enjoy being a redneck and being a Republican...." Do they?


No, number 44 is "I think all them dur negrahs needs some lashin'!"

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