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December 06, 2005


Bubba Jones

I can't express how sorry I am. You don’t know how this hits home. Same thing happened to my sister….50 stitches to start and 4 surgeries later….because she wanted to pet a nice family dog.

The real question is....what’s going to happen to the dog?

Please don't tell me it will have another breath. I don't care what people say about animal rights...when animals cross a line in the domestic's time for a little country justice out behind the woodshed. When animals cross a line like this, there is no going back.

Hey…it’s nice they’ll pay for the surgery…wait until they see the bill. Hope they’ll still be supportive. They better be!

If you need any help please call “Bubba’s Dog Be Down” animal euthanasia company. We are best known for a mildly painful euthanasia.

Please keep us updated.

Bubba stands tall on this one!


I've already said most of what I can say. I hope things'll end up good, and I know you'll still be pretty, Ker.

I just wanted to say that Bubba should be shot dead if ever he punches someone or has done so in the past. Once you cross that line...


DUDE. i am so sorry this happened to you. Good luck with everything. i enjoy your blog - so use journal therapy and write it all out. (I'm nosey too.) Hang in there sexy you'll be fine.

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