So as I type this it's New Year's Eve and about two hours from midnight here in Los Angeles. Not sure quite yet if I'll be screaming "Happy New Year" in a crowd of people, or with Jimmy and Mike, or just watching something on the t.v. by myself. You never know what can happen in a couple of hours and I was completely remiss about making solid plans for this evening... so who knows?
Anyway... while I wait to see if something will materialize, I thought I might as well list my top films of 2005... because I've been keeping a mental checklist and figured I should get it out of my head to make room for other trivial and sundry thoughts.
GRIZZLY MAN - It's the OTHER comedy documentary of the year (the first being The Aristocrats).
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN - Still haven't stopped thinking about poor old Ennis Del Mar.
ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW - First time I'd ever heard of the writer/director Miranda July... and I'm hoping her follow-up works the same kind of magic as this one did.
BROKEN FLOWERS - For me, this was the philosophical film of the year in that "Who Are We?" kind of way. You think you know someone, then you meet the people from their past and realize they are a hell of a lot more complicated than you'd ever give them credit for.
MYSTERIOUS SKIN - Great performances and a real honesty in dealing with sexual child abuse. My friend Brady is in this one, but even if I didn't know him, I'd still put it on my list, so there!
THE SQUID AND THE WHALE - The most realistic divorce movie I've ever seen (and the only other two I can think of are Kramer Vs. Kramer and War of the Roses). Jeff Daniels will get nominated for this one.
CAPOTE - More of an examination of ambition, trust and betrayal than a standard bio-pic movie... and Hoffman will get nominated for this one.
THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN - Funniest film of the year. No contest. Watched it again on DVD last night. Twice. In a row.
GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK - George Clooney is my new hero. I want to go into business with him.
Honorable mentions: Munich, The Aristocrats, Serenity
Mike and Jimmy are headed over so I'll wrap this up. Happy New Year!!
Augh haven't seen Brokeback yet. Rural east coast living has its draw backs. Hoep all is well.
Posted by: flyte44 | January 03, 2006 at 02:38 AM