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April 14, 2006



Best show ever!


I hate to be the guy deserving of the QI "I'm a hateful little pedant" badge, but Black Books is from Channel 4, not the BBC (though he is on Never Mind The Buzzcocks every week and rocks there too).


sorry 'bout that julian. It's a draw. In the U.S. it was run on BBC America so that's why I said BBC.


i want to nitpick too! you used a double negative and said "none of you in the us have never heard of him" meaning we have all heard of him, in which case you are simply wrong. i have never heard of the tail-man.


Geez, people!!! I was obviously drunk when I wrote this original post. Cut a guy some slack! lol.


Also, LOLing is punishable by death.

Tom Coates

Really glad you enjoyed him! He's generally pretty amazingly fun.

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