I don't know if you know this about me or not, but for some reason I can't quite pin down I hate morbidly obese people. Just something about them fills me with this unexplainable anger. It's like this weird sort of intolerance or racism that I'm not quite sure how to squelch. I refuse to sit next to a fat person in the movie theater or on a plane. I avoid not only conversations with them on the street but also eye contact. Perhaps it has something to do with the type of people I saw often when I was growing up in Kentucky. More often than not they were living in squalor, living off the state, and not doing much to change their station in life.
But it's not just fat people that I get irrational about. There are a couple of skinny people in my everyday life that just drive me mad. Any prolonged interactions with them at all and my heart and head are racing ("Oh please let this end NOW") and my shoulders and neck tense up.
It's somewhat ironic that I, as a gay man, have --in those instances-- so little tolerance. Anyone got any ideas as to how to defeat those "ARRRRRRRGHGHGHG urges"?
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