Gay Pride month is once again coming to a close and for all you GBLT's out there, whether you want to get married or not -- or are like me and don't know where you stand on the idea of entering into a marriage at this point in your life -- you MUST realize that the federal government's denial of legal marriage to us (and all the rights that come along with it) subconsciously tells the rest of the country and society that we are somehow not deserving, not worthy, NOT NORMAL, and less than them. It's derision, it's discrimination, it's ridiculous and I, for one, am tired of not being allowed to do something --that millions of other Americans are encouraged to do-- simply because I'm gay.
I've had an idea for a couple of years now (without knowing how to effectively spread the word to try to implement it) of what I think would be the most appropriate form of civil disobedience in order to bring about change. If we are not to be considered equal, then my question is, why should we continue to pay our equal share? Namely: TAXES.
Why should we continue contributing to the payment of programs, benefits and rights that we continue to be excluded from participating in (which also includes our military, by the way)?
This is something that we could do that wouldn't require sending a form to our senators or representatives or congressmen to tell them how we feel. We should just stop helping to pay their salaries until they fix this inequity... OR... we could go to Boston and dump a bunch of lube in the harbor, but I'm not crazy about the message that sends.
Who wants to join me in this?
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