Every blog, newscast, newspaper and report today is commemorating the 5 year anniversary of 9/11... and for some reason it all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I heard Maggie Gyllenhaal sitting in front of a poster for Oliver Stone's 'World Trade Center' on Fox 11 this morning say something like, "We must continue to grieve and we will continue to grieve in order to honor the memory of the victims," and my reaction is this: BULLSHIT. We must stop grieving, start getting angry and start holding people accountable for promises made and not kept. The reason people continue to grieve is simple. There has been no closure from 9/11. Bush promised to find and bring Osama Bin Laden to justice but he got lost along the way (by transferring the issue into Iraq and then allowing Rumsfeld to chronically botch the job.)
Perhaps the Bush administration doesn't want people to find closure from 9/11. Maybe that's how they continue to use fear as a tactic in their political machinations ("Don't feel too safe folks, he's still out there and if you want him caught, vote for us cause the Democrats are weak on terror.")
At least Bush had the sense not to open his mouth at Ground Zero this morning when he laid the wreaths in the footprints of the towers. I like to think that it was a commemoration of him sitting in silence for 7 minutes in that classroom 5 years ago after being informed we were under attack.
The slaughter of innocent people (from not only America but all over the world) on September 11, 2001 was both horrible and traumatic and I'm not suggesting we take it lightly... but we can't allow ourselves as a nation to live under the shadow of it indefinitely. There will always be time to reflect, but the time to grieve has long passed. We should realize it and stop allowing ourselves to be played with such precision by those who say they care in their words which are belied by their empty and fruitless actions.
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