It isn't a show that I watch, but a scuffle broke out on the set of Grey's Anatomy on October 11th between Isaiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey.
Big whoop-ti-do, right? I mean really..., there's drama to be expected when working with actors, right?
Only there's a side to this story that's fallen by the wayside.
Apparently the actors were standing by on-set waiting for the cameras to roll.
"What are we waiting on?" said Isaiah."Not me," said Patrick. "I'm always ready."
"I'm not your little faggot like T.R."
That's when Patrick told Isaiah, 'Pick on somebody your own size.'
Isaiah became enraged and grabbed Patrick by the throat and shoved him back a few feet.
When Knight demanded that the pair break it up, the source says, "Isaiah called him a bitch. Isaiah stormed off to his trailer to cool off, while Patrick and T.R. stood there in disbelief.
This incident likely spurred T.R. Knight to publicly announce that he is gay... and this is what bothers me... THAT has become the story--the fact that T.R. Knight is gay.
Where is the finger wagging towards Washington??? Can you imagine the headlines if T.R. Knight had said, "I'm not your nigger like Isaiah!"??? It's just unthinkable. Why isn't Washington being taken to task in the press for this outburst? Like I said, I don't watch the show, so I don't understand this lack of outrage. What, is he just THAT GOOD of an actor that it's ok for him to yell 'faggot'?
So, I guess all I can do is to add Isaiah Washington to my list of people I'll never work with... right up there with Ernest Borgnine and Mel Gibson.
Is Borgnine still alive? I must confess "Marty" is one of my favorite b&w movies. I have never heard of TR Knight until I saw his coming out on MSN, like you I have never watched Grey's. You have an intesting blog, glad to see you well.
Posted by: G.R. | October 24, 2006 at 03:01 PM