Some hot guys from the marines have decided to show some skin in a new 2007 beefcake calendar in order to raise money for wounded vets. As the website says: "More than 18,000 service men and women have been injured in the war.... Many of the wounded are young and face an entire lifetime of “healing” and coping with disabilities.... 100% of the proceeds go to our wounded heroes and their families."
Here are the shots for each month (you can go here to see each one enlarged individually):
I wanted to talk about the 4th picture, presumably for the month of April:
I can't quite put it into words WHY (yet)... but I HATE this picture. Maybe it's because it's not even a 'beefcake' shot. Maybe it's because it shows a soldier with a gun ready to maim or kill someone... which seems contrary to the spirit of this calendar, which is to help those (or the families of those) who have been maimed or killed. Or maybe it's just because it screams of military advertising propaganda. "Look at these hot, sexy heros. You can be a hot, sexy hero too! Don't believe me? Just look at Mr. April here! He's not so different from you, now is he?"
I guess I like the idea behind this calendar but I just hate April. Maybe if he didn't have his shirt on I could reconsider. And would it kill Mr. July to smile??? Geez!
I noticed and reacted badly to April myself. It has no place in that calendar, if you ask me.
Hang on, though... Have they considered the fact that a lot of the people who will buy this calendar will be HOMOS?! Who wants homo money, anyway?
Posted by: Magnus | October 13, 2006 at 02:10 PM
Posted by: Kerry | October 13, 2006 at 05:29 PM
september is a little stalkerish, too.
Posted by: chris | October 13, 2006 at 08:26 PM
they need to be nude.
Posted by: Mark Rough | October 15, 2006 at 08:50 PM