Has anyone else noticed how fewer holiday cards have been sent over the past couple of years? The load at our office this year was especially light and I myself haven't mailed out cards for 2 or 3 years.
It's because of the internet and email, of course, which has made us increasingly lazy when it comes to traditional post. Think about how many cards and letters you received throughout the year just 10 years ago compared to now. When I think back over the past 12 months I don't think I received a single hand-written letter-- a card or two, sure-- but a real, honest-to-god pen on paper letter? None comes to mind.
The latest annoying trend are these blanket text messages. I got 3 or 4 during Thanksgiving and a couple last night for Christmas. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's when someone creates a text message, then sends it to everyone in their cell phone address book all at once. The first couple of times I received one I thought, "Oh, well that was nice of Joe X to think of me." But then I got one from someone I'd only met once. We got along well enough and exchanged phone numbers, and then never followed up with each other. And here was a text message from him wishing me and mine a very happy thanksgiving 'with love'.
Anywho... thanks for checking in and reading this blog every so often. Try not to be too hard on yourself when doing the year-end evaluation of your life that is unavoidable during the holidays. Keep slogging along and sing a happy song once a week or so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us.
Best wishes,
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