So my last day of work at Craig Anderson Productions was on Wednesday of last week. I slept in on Thursday and Friday, but somehow managed to get my butt out of bed this morning and now I'm going to try to get some writing done to see how it goes.
I've been not really blog-present over the past couple of weeks... and not that there wasn't anything to write about (although I intentionally avoided that Ann Coulter/"faggot" stuff because she's not really worth the effort).
It seems to me, more and more everyday, that the country is in snap-back mode. George W. was playing with America like he might a Stretch Armstrong doll; twisting it out of shape, bending it over on itself, tying it into knots and contorting it so that it didn't at all resemble what he'd started with. But then he overstretched... and when he wasn't paying attention it slipped out of his control (right around Katrina).
Finally we're starting to remember what we're supposed to be... and the misshapen blob that W. had been toying around with is slowly moving back into form. (America is great that way).
When I was a kid, we had a couple of "well-off" neighbor kids that would come over to play with me and my brother and our well-kept toys. At some point after the 2nd or 3rd play-date, my mother stopped allowing them to come over and play. It wasn't a class thing or that they had more money than us ... it was simply that they would always break our toys and she couldn't afford to replace them... whereas, I suppose, their family had the money to keep buying play-things that they could break on a whim.
I get the feeling that when little Georgie would play, he'd break a lot of things.
On a completely unrelated note, I saw this story on the local news last night, about a guy who was one of that street-corner advertising sign holders who got shot randomly and it horrified-pissed me off.
You fed up there? Got new work or taking a time out?
I have not worked since Dec. Been writing a little. Killing anything is not good but a man trying to earn a buck and a small buck is very sad. Enjoy life.
Posted by: ant | March 20, 2007 at 07:28 AM