I got to go to a screening of a movie called Waitress on Thursday night. It's the film that was written and directed by Adrienne Shelley, the actress who was in most of Hal Hartley's films and was murdered by a construction worker in New York City before her film got to theaters.
The movie was funny and charming and a great little crowd pleaser. And who knew Andy Griffith was still acting?
Highlight of the night though was as I was walking to the bathroom I saw Joss Whedon duck in just ahead of me. When I got inside, he was already in one of the stalls and I was standing at the urinal thinking, "Ok... so if we're both washing our hands at the same time, do I say 'Hey, love your work' or what?" Just about then I heard that he wasn't doing a number 1... but a pretty loud number 2.
There was no chit chat at the sink. I made a bee line out of there, kinda embarrassed for both of us.
Well, if ya gotta go, ya gotta go. You could have waited around and then went "Makes you feel lighter, doesn't it? Sorta puts a spring in yer step!"
Posted by: Magnus | April 22, 2007 at 11:51 PM