Last week I flew into Louisville, Kentucky from L.A. to visit my friend Rob. He took me to Churchill Downs race track where a friend of his is a professional handicapper for the races. Merv, a staunch and unwavering Hillary Clinton supporter, even has his name and picture in the program next to his predictions. I'd bet a little something on every race and lost everytime but just before the last race so Merv tells me and Rob that the number 7 horse is a sure thing. Rob and I both bet $20 on the number 7 horse and not only did it not win, (it came in 4th place) but just past the finish line the horse dropped dead of a heart attack and they had to drag it off the track.
I told Rob that this doesn't bode well for Mrs. Clinton in the Presidential race.
Later in the week I drove to my Mom's house in the back woods of the northeastern part of the state. As she was preparing pies and brownies for Thanksgiving dinner I sat and talked with her while on the small t.v. set in the kitchen Martha Stewart was teaching Andy Samberg how to carve a turkey. Come Thursday, when it was time to cut up the bird Mom asked me to do it and everybody else had begged off. You know what? That Martha knows her stuff. I did a wholly-better-than-half-ass job if I do say so myself.
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