Leave it to me to comment on a fad as it's reached its end (I think) but I just wanted to take a moment to say... "What the fuck?" Over the last year I've seen these Lance Armstrong bracelets on just about anyone I could imagine. If you're like me and do not own one, they are simple little yellow plastic band with the word "LIVESTRONG" embossed on them and apparantly they sell for around 1 or 2 dollars with the money going towards cancer organizations -- since Lance beat cancer (not to mention all the other Tour de France competitors). These things are even showing up in online porn! LIVESTRONG indeed. The thing that baffles me though, is that I've never, not once, seen a single store selling these bracelets. Not that I want one, mind you. I just don't understand how everyone else has got one and I've not even come across a point of purchase. This conumdrum naturally leads me to question what OTHER pop culture trends am I missing out on? I need to know this stuff people! Otherwise I'll get NO enjoyment from watching VH1's "We Love the 00's" since I won't know diddlely about what they're referencing.
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